
Art & Copy

Had a little outing last night (and stayed out past 10 on a school night! Whoa.) with the newly rejuvenated Ad Pack (Atlanta's younger ad club - same idea as Ad 2) to watch the advertising documentary, "Art & Copy."

We went to the Plaza Theatre over in the Highlands, which was very cool. I love those old theatres. Drapes, old-fashioned popcorn boxes and the prerequisite squeaky chairs really added to the theatre-going ambiance.

The film itself was...good? Maybe I'm too cynical or jaded or something, but it seemed to really glorify advertising. Which was the purpose I guess. And I love advertising, so I should have been drinking the Kool-Aid, right? But I wasn't. I guess I don't love it as much as I thought.

So besides my mixed feelings about the film as a whole, I absolutely loved hearing all the famous agency heads talking about advertising and touring their decked-out offices. It was so cool. I wish they had interviewed folks at hot agencies like CP+B and some smaller shops like Plaid. It seemed like they missed out on quite a few people that could have been very interesting. Oh well.

My vote - check it out. It was worth the $8.

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